ESG Indicators sourced from company reports
The Pladifes project retrieved a dataset of raw data directly sourced from corporates reports in the context of a partnership with a startup.
This data is coming from sustainability reports and has been validated and consolidated into an Excel file.
It contains more than 13 500 companies among the largest market caps in 102 countries and 154 industries, is available for 2018, 2019 and 2020, and regroups 15 environmental, social and governance indicators (when available in the reports).
Alternatively, to access updated data, we recommend interested users to check EUROFIDAI ESG Data (for academic users only), as it proposes more complete and up-to-date ESG indicators.
Corporate ESG raw data
(Access on demand)
- Contact us to get more information or access to the full dataset. Data is free of charge for academic projects but associated publications must cite the Pladifes project (ANR-21-ESRE-0036). Data can be delivered to other practitioners for an attractive price cost.
Corporate ESG data with imputed values
(Access on demand)
- contact us to get more information or access to the full dataset. Data is free of charge for academic projects but associated publications must cite the Pladifes project (ANR-21-ESRE-0036). Data can be delivered to other practitioners for a marginal cost.
Student Reports
- [FRENCH] Matéo Moisan, Pierre Perrigault & Aymeric Perrin under the supervision of Patricia Crifo and Bertrand Garbinti, Performances environnementales et performances sociales dans les entreprises, ENSAE, Paris (2024).