S&P Global
Corporate ownership
S&P Global is part of S&P.
Quick description
As S&P Global’s centralized source for sustainability intelligence, Sustainable1 offers comprehensive coverage across global markets combined with ESG products, insights and solutions from across our divisions to help assess risks, uncover opportunities and inform long-term sustainable growth.
Sustainable finance associated use case
Footprints, Environmental Impact, Social Impact, Biodiversity, Physical Risk, Transition Risk (including Legal/ Liabilities Risk), Climate Stress Tests, Climate Alignment, Macro Scenarios, Reporting (Regulation & Framworks), Controversies, ESG Risks Assessment, Sustainability Ratings / ESG Scores, Shareholders Engagement, Business Ethics, Corporate Governance, EU Taxonomy, Social Safeguards SFDR, Sustainable Finance Products
- Physical Risk dataset – providing acute and chronic risk analysis as well as transition risk
- Climanomics – providing acute and chronic risk analysis as well as transition risk and financial impact calculation at the asset level
- Biodiversity dataset – providing metrics related to bo ther company’s impact on nature and their dependency from it, aligning with the TNFD framework
- ESG Scores and Raw Data dataset – providing ESG Scores and underlying data for over 13,800 companies worldwide on numerous Social, Environmental and Governance topics (Business Ethics, Tax Practices, Human Rights, Climate Risk Strategy, Gender Pay, Talent Attraction & Retention, Occupational Health & Safety, Resource Efficiency & Circularity etc)
- Controversies Analysis – Media Stakeholder Analysis (MSA) for all companies covered in the ESG Scores and Raw Data dataset
- Environmental dataset – providing GHG scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3 downstream and Scope 3 upstream, data on water, waste, pollutants etc. Footprints
- EU Taxonomy dataset – providing information on revenue Eligibility, Substantial Contribution (SC), Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) and Minimum Social Safeguards (MSS)
- SFDR dataset – providing data on a broad range of mandatory and opt in PAI to facilitate reporting
- Business Involvement Screen dataset – providing revenue exposure to controversial activities (e.g. fossil fuels, weapons, gambling, palm oil etc.)
- TCFD Report – providing relevant analysis to comply with the TCFD framework
- Paris Alignment dataset – providing an assessment on the company’s alignment to the Paris agreement goal
- Net Zero Tracker Commitment dataset – providing details on the company’s net zero targets and decarbonisation goals
- Carbon Earnings at Risk dataset – providing an assessment on company’s exposure to current and future carbon pricing scenarios
- Further Sustainable Finance Products solutions (ESG Bonds dataset and Green Bonds dataset (Green Bonds, Social Bonds, Sustainability Bonds, Sustainability-Linked Bonds), ESG Loans information (Green Loans, Social Loans, Sustainability Loans), Securitized Products (Green Asset Backed Securities), ESG Indices (ESG Integration, Themed, Impact Based, Exclusions Based, Other), Second Party Opinion (Shades of Green) etc.

Credit : This tool has been made in the context of the EquipEx+ ANR-21-ESRE-0036:
Special thanks to Maria VILLALONGA, Mohamed FAHMAOUI, Thibaud BARREAU and all other contributors.