Net Environmental Contribution

Quick description

The NEC is a user-friendly tool that measures the environmental impact (climate, biodiversity, resources) of an economic activity, company or sector to deliver a net contribution value. The indicator attributes a single number calculated on a scale from -100%, for the most damaging activities, to +100% for clear environmental solutions that fulfill the same given function, 0% being the world average.

Designed to inform and empower investment decision makers and corporates, it uses physical data from across the whole value chain to provide a snapshot of an activity’s net environmental contribution and it can be applied at a company, portfolio, index or product/source level.


The NEC metric can be used to:

  • Measure Risks and Opportunities
  • Implement smart investment strategies
  • Engage dialog with investees
  • Gain in reporting clarity and transparency
  • Demonstrate compliance and achieve certification

Sustainable finance associated use case


  • EU Taxonomy: provides complementary analysis and more refined views on EU taxonomy blind spots


  • Environmental Impact: (Hollistic & relative metric based on physical impact in a life cycle analysis perspective)
  • Nature (direct & indirect, Species, Ecosystems)  
  • Pollution (Air, Land, Water)
  • Water (Marine Ecosystems, Freshwater)
  • Climate change mitigation
  • Circular economy transition


  • Transition risk: risk and opportunities assessment


Sustainability tools:

  • Reporting: See the example of Sycomore AM reporting on its fund Sycomore Europe Eco Solution
  • Impact Measurement: Relative metric based on physical impacts in a life cycle analysis perspective
  • Sustainability Rating

A tool developped by:                 

In partnership with:                             

Financed by:                 

Credit : This tool has been made in the context of the EquipEx+ ANR-21-ESRE-0036:

Special thanks to Maria VILLALONGA, Mohamed FAHMAOUI, Thibaud BARREAU and all other contributors.