Quick description

MSCI is an investment research firm that provides stock indexes, portfolio risk and performance analytics, and governance tools to institutional investors and hedge funds. MSCI indexes are designed to represent the performance of the most common ESG investment approaches by including, re-weighting, or excluding companies by leveraging ESG criteria. The MSCI ESG Indexes are designed to provide institutional investors with effective and transparent tools to integrate ESG or Climate considerations in their investment process and portfolios.

Sustainable finance associated use case

  • SDGs Contribution
  • Transition Risk
  • Physical Risk (Chronic Risk (Temperature Rise))
  • ESG Risk Assessment
  • Footprints (Carbon (Scope 1, 2, 3), Water, Biodiversity, Forest)
  • Climate Alignment (Metrics (Implied Temperature Rise, Overshoot))
  • Environmental Impact (Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change Adaptation, Water, Circular Economy, Pollution, Biodiversity)
  • Social Impact (Employment, Workers, Consumers, Communities, Human Needs, Economic/Infrastructure)
  • EU Taxonomy (Eligibility (Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change Adaptation, Water, Circular Economy, Pollution, Biodiversity), DNSH (Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change Adaptation, Water, Circular Economy, Pollution, Biodiversity), Minimum Social Safeguards)
  • Business Ethics (Anti-competitive Practices, Corruption and Instability, Financial Transparency, Tax Transparency, Product Liability)
  • Reporting (TCFD, CSRD)
  • Controversies (Environmental (Real Time, Sectorial), Social (Real Time, Sectorial), Governance (Real Time, Sectorial))
  • Sustainable Finance Products (ESG Bonds (Green Bonds, Social Bonds, Sustainability Bonds, Sustainability-Linked Bonds), ESG Loans (Green Loans, Social Loans, Sustainability Loans), Securitized Products (Green Asset Backed Securities))

A tool developped by:                 

In partnership with:                             

Financed by:                 

Credit : This tool has been made in the context of the EquipEx+ ANR-21-ESRE-0036:

Special thanks to Maria VILLALONGA, Mohamed FAHMAOUI, Thibaud BARREAU and all other contributors.