Institutional Shareholder Services ESG
Corporate ownership
Institutional Shareholder Services ESG is part of Institutional Shareholder Services Inc.
Quick description
ISS ESG is the responsible investment arm of Institutional Shareholder Services Inc., a provider of environmental, social, and governance solutions for asset owners, asset managers, hedge funds, and asset servicing providers. With its offering of solutions, ISS ESG enables investors to develop and integrate responsible investing policies and practices, engage on responsible investment issues, and monitor portfolio company practices through screening solutions.
Sustainable finance associated use case
- Shareholders Engagement
- SDGs Contribution
- Climate Stress Tests
- Transition Risk
- Physical Risk (Chronic Risk (Temperature Rise))
- ESG Risk Assessment
- Footprints (Carbon (Scope 1, 2), Water, Forest)
- Environmental Impact (Circular Economy, Pollution)
- Sustainability Rating (Corporate Rating (Best-in-class))
- EU Taxonomy (Eligibility (Circular Economy, Pollution), DNSH (Circular Economy, Pollution), Minimum Social Safeguards)
- Corporate Governance (Remuneration, Board Composition)
- Business Ethics (Anti-competitive Practices, Corruption and Instability, Financial Transparency, Tax Transparency, Product Liability)
- Controversies (Environmental (Real Time, Sectorial), Social (Real Time, Sectorial), Governance (Real Time, Sectorial))
- Sustainable Finance Products (ESG Bonds (Green Bonds, Social Bonds, Sustainability Bonds, Sustainability-Linked Bonds), ESG Loans (Green Loans, Social Loans, Sustainability Loans), Securitized Products (Green Asset Backed Securities))
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Credit : This tool has been made in the context of the EquipEx+ ANR-21-ESRE-0036:
Special thanks to Maria VILLALONGA, Mohamed FAHMAOUI, Thibaud BARREAU and all other contributors.