Quick description
InvestVerte is an independent ESG and corporate governance research, rating and analytics company which provides information to help investors around the world make good investment decisions. Machine Learning based, InvestVerte provides ESG score, benchmark and portfolio arbitrage.
Sustainable finance associated use case
- EU Taxonomy (Eligibility (Climate Change Adaptation, Biodiversity)
- Corporate Governance (Board Composition, Accounting Transparency)
- Business Ethics (Financial Transparency)
- SDGs Contribution (Gender Equality, Water Access, Energy Access, Industry & Innovation)
- Environmental Impact (Climate Change Adaptation, Biodiversity)
- Social Impact (Employment)
- Legal/Liabilities Risk
- ESG Risk Assessment
- Sustainability Rating (Corporate Rating (Best-in-class, Best-in-universe)
- Footprints (Carbon (Scope 1, 2, 3), Air Pollution, Water)
- Controversies (Governance (Real Time, Static))
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Credit : This tool has been made in the context of the EquipEx+ ANR-21-ESRE-0036:
Special thanks to Maria VILLALONGA, Mohamed FAHMAOUI, Thibaud BARREAU and all other contributors.