Quick description
BRAIN is a Research Company that creates proprietary datasets and algorithms for investment strategies, combining experience on financial markets with strong competences in Statistics, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.
Some specific use cases are:
– to create quantitative investment strategies,
– to monitor the sentiment and other metrics from unstructured financial sources,
– to identify companies active in the research of a specific field (thematic baskets), for example one could track companies that are active in the research of new technologies to reduce climate change, like water management technologies or technologies to improve energy efficiency.
BRAIN is not specifically an ESG data provider, but its NLP technology can be used to create custom projects to monitor specific ESG themes.

Credit : This tool has been made in the context of the EquipEx+ ANR-21-ESRE-0036:
Special thanks to Maria VILLALONGA, Mohamed FAHMAOUI, Thibaud BARREAU and all other contributors.