Cyclone data

Future cylone-related damages

This section is based on the work presented in this article published in the Geoscietific Model Developpement and on a collaboration with the primary author, Dr. Théo Le Guenedal currently lead Prospective research at the Innovation Lab of Amundi Technology.
The CATHERINA algorithm is a cyclone generation model that includes a thermodynamic module and is compatible with data from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) climate models. This methodology, available on
Gitlab, can be used to derive national damage assessments. The sections below provide direct access to data on national global, and sector-specific future damage estimates, as well as a statistical overview of the available data. For those interested in working directly with cyclone trajectories or generating new trajectories consistent with specific climate scenarios, please contact Dr. LE GUENEDAL.

National and sectoral future damages
Access on demand

This dataset regroup national damages from tropycal cyclones based on several climate scenrios and Climada damage function. The full methodology is described in this article.

    Data can be accessed for academic projects for free, and publications derived from its use are required to cite the following: "Research work realized thanks to the Pladifes EquipEx (ANR-21-ESRE-0036), hosted at the Institut Louis Bachelier, and based on LE GUENEDAL et al. (2021)." Non-academic interested in replicating the methodology are encouraged to contact Dr. LE GUENEDAL directly for further information.