Carbon pricing index & environmental policy stringency
The Pladifes project retrieved a dataset of raw data directly sourced from As carbon taxes, cap-and-trade systems and other environmental-focused legislations arose, several institutions explored and compared the proposed mechanisms.
As options are now numerous and extremely diverse, this page proposes a focus on relevant datasets to incorporate national indicators in your analysis.
Please note that this page is part of ongoing work and is subject to change.
To date, it inventories both proprietary and external methodologies and data.
In case you have any remark/question regarding the topic of this page, or if you know of any alternative relevant source, please contact us.
ILB carbon pricing index
Thus, the Pladifes Team considered there was value in creating and sharing a preprocessed version of the carbon pricing data, focused on easing the countries comparison. The methodology involves creating a new data: a "carbon pricing index", per country and per year, based on a sumproduct between prices and coverages. The full methodology is described in a pdf, accessible below.
As this work is mostly based on the State and Trends of Carbon Pricing Dashboard, the final data quality depends on this source. A limitation is that the carbon prices are nominal prices as at April 1 of the relevant year. These are generally based on the exchange-traded, auction or government-set prices of April 1, or the most recent prices available. Thus, a country implementing a new instrument between April and December of year n would see it appear only in year n+1.
Users are required to cite as follows: "Work based on Carbon pricing index data, shared by the EquipEx Pladifes (ANR-21-ESRE-0036) and hosted at the Institut Louis Bachelier".
OECD Environmental Policy Stringency Index
The structure of the EPS, its components and the index construction can be accessed in the related 2022 OECD working paper: This paper updates the 2014 working paper and index:
World Carbon Pricing Database
To our knowledge, intelectual property over this project is shared between Geoffroy Dolphin and the Ressource for the Future (RFF) institute.
Scientific papers
- E. Botta, T. Koźluk, Measuring Environmental Policy Stringency in OECD Countries, OECD Economics Department Working Papers (2014).
- T. Kruse, A. Dechezleprêtre, R. Saffar, L. Robert, Measuring Environmental Policy Stringency in OECD Countries, An update of the OECD composite EPS indicator, OECD Economics Department Working Papers (2022).
- G. Dolphin & Q. Xiahou, World carbon pricing database: sources and methods, Sci Data 9, 573 (2022).