

Led by the Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB), the Equipex PLADIFES has been selected within the framework of the Investissements d’avenir 2021 (ANR-21-ESRE-0036) and is thus financed by the French National Agency of Research (ANR). Please see below for more information about all the entities involved in PLADIFES.

The axes of the project

The overall goal of the Pladifes project is to foster research in finance and in green and sustainable finance by providing access to financial and extra-financial databases and complementary services. The project is divided on three axes. Outputs can be found mainly on this website (for axis 1) and on the EUROFIDAI platform.

  • Axis 1: ESG databases and AI-based methodologies (ILB/PARC fondation)
  • Axis 2: Daily financial and ESG data (Eurofidai, ESSEC)
  • Axis 3: High frequency financial data (Eurofidai, CNRS)

Read more about PLADIFES

Team Pladifes Axis 1

Pierre Louis Lions

Project Global Scientific Coordinator

Peter Tankov

Scientific Director Axis 1

Stéphane Voisin

Sustainable Finance Expert

Thibaud Barreau

Project Manager Axis 1

Mohamed Fahmaoui

Data Engineer

Hamada Saleh

Data Scientist

Capucine Nobletz

Postdoctoral Researcher

Scientific committee

Name Role Affiliation
Pierre-Louis LIONS Main Investigator Collège de France and ILB
Jocelyn MARTEL Investigator ESSEC
Peter TANKOV Investigator ENSAE and ILB
Irène MONASTEROLO Professor U.S.E
Loriana PELIZZON Professor Goethe University
David SCHUMACHER Professor McGill
Stefano BATTISTON Professor ETH Zurich


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